Disability Insurance
Your Biggest Asset Is You
The CFI Agency provides disability insurance to individuals in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Orlando, Delray Beach, Naples, Estero, and surrounding areas.
Overview of Disability Insurance:
It is very common for people to insure their valued assets including cars, homes and health. But, not everyone insures something that is very essential for survival - the ability to earn an income by working. Apart from normal health insurance policies, a disability insurance plan is a very critical type of insurance scheme that individuals must consider having. A long - term disability can wreak havoc on your personal finances and savings if you are not wholly prepared.
A disability insurance will replace a part of your income that you were earning, if you are unable to return to work after a critical illness or injury. One important thing to note is that disability insurance is not only for disabilities caused by accidents. It also will cover you financially if you are unable to return to work in case of long term illnesses like cancer, pneumonia or heart disease.
Why is Disability Insurance important ?
Many of us have a range of financial duties and obligations that we are responsible for, such as everyday household expenses, mortgage, rent or retirement savings. But, fulfilling all your financial commitments will become a distant dream if the earning member of the family loses the ability to earn because of a disability. In such cases, a disability insurance will replace a portion of your income. A duration of a disability can be either long term or short term and can render a person unable to work. Also, a disability can be caused due to a variety of causes including mental health issue, injury or a serious illness. Usually, benefits are provided on a monthly basis so the policyholder can continue meeting their regular expenses and also can maintain their standard of living. A representative at The CFI Agency will look at the individual factors in your life and work situation, and help design the best policy that meets your personal insurance needs